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1. My access door or turnstile stopped working and/or new members are not being allowed access. How do I get things working again?

If your access device has stopped working or new members are not being granted access, these simple steps may help resolve the problem. If not, please contact Passport Technologies support and we'll take the time to make it right.

  • Check SICM/CLOUDBERRY indicator lights. Confirm that the 5VDC power supply RED indicator light on your SICM/CLOUDBERRY device (bottom light on the front of the SICM) is on.
  • Check all wiring. Access points are high traffic areas and wires can sometimes become loose over time. Take the time to look at each visible connection: from the SICM/CLOUDBERRY to the access device (door lock, turnstile, gate, etc.); from the SICM/CLOUDBERRY to the reader; and most importantly, verify that all power cables are properly connected and the network connection is secured and active on the router.
  • Check the network connection. Once all the wiring has been verified, make sure the SICM/CLOUDBERRY is connected to the network as this is the most important connection for system operation, even if you have the Local Database option. For more information, please refer to Questions 9 and 10.
  • In order to reconnect with the network. Under certain conditions, the SICM/CLOUDBERRY may lose connectivity with the local network. To reconnect, simply unplug the 5VDC power supply from the 120VAC power outlet and make sure the 5VDC RED light (bottom light on the front of the SICM) goes out for at least 10 seconds. Reapply power to the unit and wait 5 minutes for the SICM/CLOUDBERRY to reboot and obtain its network connection and IP Address. Please refer to Question 5 to verify that the SICM/CLOUDBERRY is connected to the network. If this fails to resolve the issue, please contact Passport Technologies support.

NOTE: Like many integrated smart-hardware devices, cycling power to the SICM/CLOUDBERRY can be helpful in resolving certain issues and will not damage the unit if done properly. However, frequent power cycling of the SICM/CLOUDBERRY may reduce the lifecycle of the device.

2. What is the Local Database Option?

This standard feature on all Passport Technologies systems since 2017 downloads and stores the latest member-database from your membership management application once per day and enables the system to maintain functionality during temporary loss of the internet connection. If you do not have the Local Database feature on your system and have an unstable Internet connection with occasional service interruptions, we recommend ordering the feature or opting for a monthly Passport Technologies support plan that includes it.

  • This feature also confirms client-access very quickly and consistently compared to access management via Internet only.

Keep in mind that new clients registered while the SICM/CLOUDBERRY is offline or the Internet is not available will not be able to access your facilities until the next time the Local Database is updated and the SICM/CLOUDBERRY is online.

  • Please refer to Question 5 to learn how to verify if the SICM/CLOUDBERRY is available on your network. 
  • If you do not have the Local Database feature and would like to know more, please contact Passport Technologies Support for more information or to order the Local Database option. Additional fees apply. 

3. What is included in the monthly Passport Technologies support plan?

The standard Passport Technologies support plan is a monthly fee service that includes the following:

  • No charge automatic firmware updates (all new features and fixes) and no charge throughout the lifecycle of the Software Interface and Control Module
  • Complete Passport Technologies firmware package including: Local Database, Network Checkin Screen and System Scheduling (non-24/7 facilities)
  • 15% discount on any subsequent hardware purchases from Passport Technologies (not including ID product)
  • No charge technical support throughout the lifecycle of the Software Interface and Control Module
  • 1-year warranty extension on all parts and labour
  • Monthly recurring API access fee charged by cloud-based provider (if applicable). 

4. I just received my Passport Technologies system, where should my installer install the devices?

Equipment location can be key to system functionality and usability; installers should always refer to the SICM/CLOUDBERRY installation manual sent via email or available here:

  • The SICM/CLOUDBERRY should be located as close as possible to the access point it will be managing to avoid lengthy cable runs. It is not recommended that the SICM/CLOUDBERRY be placed in a hidden location, such as inside a wall or above the ceiling.
  • The SICM/CLOUDBERRY/ is a network/internet based device and must be connected directly to the network router via network cable at all times. The SICM/CLOUDBERRY/ will not operate via wireless connection or direct-to-modem connection.
  • The main access point reader is connected to the SICM/CLOUDBERRY/ with the cable provided. If the cable needs to be extended, please contact Passport Technologies support for proper cable selection.
  • The main access point reader should be mounted as close as possible to the door on either a wall or window depending on the type of reader. If you are unsure where your reader should be installed, please consult the installation manual or call Passport Technologies Support.

5. How do I find the SICM/CLOUDBERRY on the network?

The SICM/CLOUDBERRY/ is a network/internet based device and as such must be connected to the network via router only, and not a modem.  When remote online support is required, as well as to complete the initial installation and configuration of the SICM/CLOUDBERRY/, Passport Technologies technicians also require the IP address of the device. There are several tools available to ensure that the SICM/CLOUDBERRY/ is properly connected to the network and to find the associated IP Address as required. Here are a few suggestions that may or may not apply to your specific computer depending on the configuration of your network.

Windows PCs offer several tools to find the SICM/CLOUDBERRY IP address on your network:

  • From the Start Up menu, go to the Accessories folder in the All Programs list and open the Command Prompt program. Type in the following command: “ping SICM/” or "ping cbsm" and press Enter on your keyboard. If the SICM/CLOUDBERRY/ is found on your network, the IP address will appear in the ping response message.
  • If you can access your router through the network, you can review the list of devices on your network to find the SICM/CLOUDBERRY/ and its associated IP address.

MAC computers and the MAC App Store offer basic tools to access your network information:

  • Open Terminal from within the Applications/Utilities folder, or just type Terminal into Spotlight (CMD + SPACEBAR) and click on the icon when it’s found. Once Terminal is open, type “ping SICM/.local" or "ping cbsm.local" and hit Enter. If the SICM/CLOUDBERRY/ is found on your network, the IP address will appear in the ping response message.
  • There are also several applications available on the internet that can help identify devices on your MAC network, such as the Fing app. Visit the Mac App Store for more information.

6. My access system is working but the checkins are not automatically registering on my cloud-based software platform?
Automatic checkins are an option with some cloud-based providers. If you are certain that this option has been enabled on your account, please reboot your system as per Question 1 above.

7. My installer completed the installation of my Passport Technologies system, how do I configure the SICM/CLOUDBERRY/ for my business?

Once your installer has completed the physical installation and tested the system for functionality as per the installation guide, it’s time to contact the Passport Technologies support team to properly configure and launch your system. This is a very quick online process, and you will be registering new clients and managing access for existing ones in less than 15 minutes. The technician will require remote access to your network through your computer using a program called, which can be downloaded from the Support and Tools page on the Passport Technologies Website: 

8. My access management system is working but why can’t I register new clients in my membership management software using the main access point reader?

If your access management system was installed before 2015 and is working but you are unable to register new clients in the software on a Windows PC machine using the main access reader, chances are the PPTWedge (see Question 8) has been removed or has stopped working. If you are using a MAC, please refer to Question 5 to find the Passport SICM/CLOUDBERRY check-in screen on the network.

  • This usually occurs when the registration PC is changed or the PPTwedge program has been modified for various technical reasons or the USB converter used to communicate with the SICM/CLOUDBERRY has changed ports.
  • The PPTwedge icon is located to the bottom right on the desktop taskbar next to the keyboard icon or hidden by the arrow and must be green at all times.
  • If the icon is red, please verify the USB to serial converter is still in its original location and plugged in securely and that only one TWedge is being used for the same device. Please contact Passport Technologies support for further instructions if the icon does not turn green again.​
  • If the icon is missing, you can restart the PPTwedge by clicking on the original icon that may be on the desktop or the Startup folder in the Start Menu Programs folder. If you cannot find the original PPTwedge icon, please contact Passport Technologies support. Charges will apply if the TWedge needs to be re-installed on another computer.​ 

9. What is the TWEDGE?

 The TWedge is a simple software package that may be installed with some systems to ensure communication between the main access point reader and the Registration PC, which must be a Windows PC. It does not apply to systems in MAC environments. The Passport Technologies TWedge is named PPTwedge and is saved to the desktop or the Startup folder of the Windows Start Menu in Programs. When running, it typically resides in the bottom right hand tray of the PC desktop taskbar and may be hidden behind the arrow within the row of icons. A few notes on the PPTWedge:

  • The PPTWedge is used strictly for the client registration process and for operating the software check-in screen in real time. It has absolutely nothing to do with access device (door, turnstile, gate, etc.) functionality.
  • When scanned to the reader, the PPTWedge will transfer ID data wherever the cursor is placed in any text based program such as MS Word or Excel. As such, it is critical to keep the check-in screen front and center at all times when using the PPTwedge with the cursor placed in the appropriate field.
  • Do not use the original version of the TWedge in the Program as it is not configured for your system, and do not start multiple TWedges for the same device at the same time as this may cause the wedge to stop working.
  • The PPTwedge is configured to work with the serial port connected between the SICM/CLOUDBERRY and the PC. Most PCs use what is called a USB to serial converter cable (supplied with your system) for this purpose. Please note that if you change the USB port used by this converter, operation of the PPTWedge may be affected.
  • You can disable the PPTwedge at any time by right-clicking on the green icon and selecting to stop the operation of the wedge. The icon will turn blue. When the icon is blue, the ID data will NOT appear in other text based programs while the software check-in screen is not being used. You can then right-click on the blue icon to enable PPTWedge operation again. 

 10. How do I register new client cards or keyfobs?

The Passport Technologies system is designed to facilitate access management for businesses as well as their members. Simply present the new client ID device to the registration reader and enter the client information in your membership management platform. If you have a single-reader installation and are having trouble with new client registration, please refer to Question 7 above. 

11. Can I reuse/reprogram the Passport Technologies cards or keyfobs returned when a client's membership ends? 

Yes. All our cards and keyfobs may be reused/reprogrammed for subsequent members as many times as you like. To transfer the card or keyfob ID number from one client to another, you must first erase the old client's ID number field and replace it with a fictitious ID number, such as 12345 for instance. The same fictitious ID cannot be used for more that one client and a series of fictitious ID numbers would be required for multiple transfers. Once the former client's ID number has been replaced, the card or keyfob may be registered to the next client.

12. I’m running low on keyfobs, bracelets or keytags, how do I order more?

Passport Technologies has a complete range of client ID solutions for all applications and businesses. And all our products may be customized with your logo or other image. Contact or toll free at (855) 727-7832 Extension 704 to order more or to make an impression on your membership with custom-branded cards or keyfobs.

13. Do I need a PC to operate the Passport Technologies system? 

Once the initial installation and configuration of your system has been completed, the SICM/CLOUDBERRY does NOT require connection to a PC in order to manage facilities access. All that is required is connection to the Network via Router (NOT direct-to-modem). 

14. My Tailgate detection system stopped emails, how do I turn them back on

If your Tailgate detection system is not sending emails to the email account listed in the Notifications section of your Passport Technologies interface, follow these steps to resolve.

  • Verify all connections, including power supply to Tailgate emitter and receiver, and make sure that all indicator lights are on as per Section 2 above.
  • Disconnect and reconnect the Tailgate serial DB9 connectors at the controller end, making sure that there are no damaged pins, etc. Once this is done, cycle power to the Tailgate Emitter and Receiver ONLY.
  • These steps should resolve the communication issue and the system should start sending emails following the next tailgate incident.
  • If these steps do not resolve the Tailgate communication issue, please contact Passport Technologies Technical Support at to verify system configuration. 

15. How do I get in touch with Passport Technologies Support?   

Passport Technologies products and solutions are proudly designed and built to industrial standards in North America for optimal durability. If you encounter an issue that can’t be resolved through the FAQs listed above, please contact our support team at or toll free at (855) 727-7832 Extension 2.