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We offer a complete range of controlled access products, including: mechanical barriers, doors, turnstiles and electronic barriers. All our products are sourced from proven and reliable North American manufacturers.
Mechanical and electric locking swing gates are a popular alternative to turnstiles. They provide a clean look and added security features such as the EMERGENCY BREAKAWAY feature that allows these units to meet any building and fire code regulations.
The 1100 series of classic 3-Arm waist-high turnstiles provides an excellent means of controlling and counting the flow of pedestrian traffic in and out of your facility. Heavy duty construction and the latest in materials and manufacturing techniques ensure years of trouble free operation.
The Drop-Arm Turnstile also provides an excellent means of controlling and counting the flow of pedestrian traffic in and out of your facility. This turnstile functions the same as our standard 3-arm turnstiles, however, the horizontal arm drops in case of emergency or power failure. It allows for one or two way passage, set at the manufacturer.
The 4-Arm Turnstile offers an excellent means of creating a flow in one direction allowing customers easy entry while discretely directing them to exit at a monitored location. A Turnstile and Railing system can improve security and reduce losses. Modular posts, rails and other off the shelf components combine with turnstiles to create a clean, functional and custom entrance system.
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